Water Retention- A PMS norm and how to work with it

There are many Premenstrual syndromes that woman endure and a main one that not all of us know about is water retention. This is due to a fluctuation in our hormones progesterone and estrogen. The kidneys, which are the filtration systems of our bodies, are told to retain the water and sodium as the blood breaks down the hormones. This can make some woman see a couple pounds extra during this phase and maybe even some puffiness in their face, hands, feet, and lower legs. I want to talk about some remedies to support this and overall PMS because these are major factors that have affected 3 out of 4 woman’s self love.


It’s really easy to be hard on ourselves while experiencing this symptom because well let’s be realisitc, body image has been shown to be a high importance in our culture. However, the way that media has presented this brings a false image of what woman go through in their bodies every month and instead of showing how to love ourselves through all transitions it teaches us to work against it. To aim for perfection in order for us to be desirable and loved. This falseness in my opinion has taken away true embodiment and self love and Instead of learning and listening, we start to ignore and push past what the body really needs.

A lot of our symptoms can last anywhere from one to two weeks before we bleed, especially if we have other imbalances such as excess yeast, etc. Im finding with the right education and focus, we woman can become allies with our symptoms instead of letting them control us. They are here to make us listen more, just like the energy of a new moon. We feel internally which can show us where in our lives maybe need altering externally and then together, they all find balance. Reminding ourselves around the rising of self critical thoughts that this will pass plays a very big role here. Im talking about really being gentle with yourself like you were teaching your little girl how to love herself during awkward transitions.

If you are tired more, rest more and do lighter movement practices like yin yoga or walking. If you are irritable, be alone and try water coloring, cooking, and put some upbeat, soothing music on. Cravings? Try drinking more water a visualize a delicious and nourishing meal you want to cook for dinner instead of wanting the quick dopamine fix.

It all takes time, forgiveness and devotion and my hope is that we each can find this. May we all come back to curiosity instead judging in the moment. May we all continue together to find peace with our bodies and their cycles just as nature has its own. May we truly remember the simple remedies to support ourselves so we can pass this down to our daughters, and theirs. Our bodies have their own cycles that change like the tides of the ocean and we can fight against it or learn instead how to surf those waves of change and embrace the freedom we feel after it all.


-Caffeine- Coffee is a known diuretic however it is also drying. This could make the water retention worse and could also cause more cramping when you start to bleed

-Skip sugars and baked goods

-Starchy vegetables

. Alcohol

. Nightshades (white potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, and bell peppers)

. Saturated fats ( even if you cook with coconut or olive oil, the moment you cook the oil it turns into saturated fat. This can cause to much dampness in your spleen and colon.)

Bring in more:

. Lemons - especially in warm water

. Ginger

. Cucumber

. Cinnamon



. Lean Protein like salmon and white fish



.Sauerkraut (small amounts)



.Half raw and half steamed foods with drizzles of health oils

. Zucchini

. Avocado






. Apple cider vinegar in the morning with warm lemon water

. Exercise regularly- even walking and lighter yoga

.Stay hydrated

My favorite Herbs for PMS:






.Red raspberry leaf

.Passion flower

.Nettle leaf

.Burdock root

.Lemon balm



Folk Recipe ideas:

.Cilantro Pesto: Cilantro, lemon, pepper, dash of salt, tahini, nutritional yeast, olive oil, splash of water, garlic (add dry nettle for a little herbal kick)

.Dandelion “coffee”: Dandelion root, chicory root, ashwaganda, shitavari, cinnamon, cardamon, coconut milk, and adaptogens (bring dandelion and chicory to boil then cover and simmer for a 10 minutes. Warm the milk on low with the spices then add then place into a blender. Strain the “coffee” mix into the blender and add remainder of ingredients, if you’d like a little honey as well. Blend until frothy and top with a little rose petals.

. Night time soothing tea: Red raspberry leaf, Passion flower, lavender, calendula, st. johns wort. -Add some warmed non dairy milk with nutmeg and honey for an extra sleepy kick